Dear Fear #29


Eleven years ago, I was driving to pick up my wedding invitations, in São Paulo, Brazil.  

I was listening to a song by one of my favourite singers, Maria Bethania, called Trem do Desejo, or “The train of desire”, if you may. The song finishes with this phrase: “The stars can tell - It was only on the day that I got lost, that I learned how to shine.”

Those struck me like lightning and I started sobbing like a baby in the middle of the heavy, grey, warm traffic of São Paulo.  

In a few weeks, I was going to get married and move to London, leave my friends, family and all that I knew behind, have an ocean between us and start a new chapter of my life. Of course, I was also very excited and over the moon for being able to live this beautiful adventure with my boyfriend. 

And yet, I was totally restless. And I didn’t know why. Until I heard this truth made in words:

“It was only on the day that I got lost, that I learned how to shine.”

In today’s episode, we’re talking about picking up wedding invitations, fear, resistance and how to welcome them in your practice as a creator.

We don’t get to decide which patch of the forest, which storm, or which part of our journey as creators makes us feel lost. But we will all walk through it. And there - we learn how to shine. 


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